Mozart and the Hills

The night before, Sam had pig tails.

It was a little bit rainy that morning, but when the sun came out, we headed towards a mountain. Sam was upset. He wanted to swim. We had to drag him along for the first part. We crossed a boardwalk where I saw succulents. There were also pine trees.



We were walking down the path and I found a slug. I moved it to the other side of the path. Then I moved another. I kept moving slugs until we didn’t see any slugs for a while. Sam moved the next ones we saw. We ate lunch at a picnic bench. We also found 2 baby slugs. When we got to the car, we drove to the top of the hill. There was a paraglider taking of.


We went back down into Salzburg to go to the Mozart museum. I didn’t take pictures because you weren’t allowed to, but they have artifacts like Mozarts harpsichord and violin. We also saw his original music. After the Mozart house, we got some ice cream. We got lost in the city but finally found our way back.


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