Sam wanted to go to the lake and swim, but he didn’t show it. He slept in until 8:30, not showing a sighn of waking up. When he finally woke up, we went to the lake. Daddy stayed behind to get ready for our drive. We jumped of the high board at the lake (Sam included), and Clara took us out to the trampoline buoy. When Daddy came by to pick us up, we got in the car and drove off. We were going to Slovenia. We crossed the border between Austria and Slovenia in a tunnel, so I didn’t see the sighn. Slovenia was uglier than Austria for the first part because it had billboards all over, but when we saw Bled, Austria had to make a run for its money. A huge castle sat atop a hill. This castle was called casle Bled. Down below it, a lake with hundreds of boats surrounded an island with a beautiful church and forest.

The island with the castle in the background.

Sam wanted to rent a boat, so we rented a boat from a man on a dock by the shore. He gave us the rowboat and Daddy took the oars.

The island’s church towered above our boat on the lake. On the island, the trees held up sighns announcing what kind of fish we might see in the water. When we got to the northern side of the island, we saw great stone steps leading up towards the church.


The steps on the island.

We bought a ticket to see the church, and the church had old stone statues, a glass floor where you could see the ruins, and a bell that you could ring 3 times.



Next, we walked up the clocktower to the clocks, and Daddy loved it because it explained how different clocks worked and it had a clock that would operate with 4 dangling quartz crystals and a huge pengelum. Daddy might even put it in his physics class.



We could see the castle Bled.

We walked through the trees down to the boat on the eastern side of the island. I found a gorgeous snail.

We got in the boat and rowed to where there was a dock at the great stone steps. I got out of the boat and walked down the western end of the island looking for baby ferns. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any. But I did find an underground chamber. On the way back to the dock where the man who rented us the boat was, the water appered blue

We got out of the boat and drove to the grocery store. We picked up food there. Then we had and amazing dinner and went to bed.



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