Daddy left early to go on a Game of Thrones tour, and we took pieces of cheese to a stray cat that lives near a fancy hotel called Hotel Grand Villa Excelsior. The skinny cat was glad to have our cheese. We walked to the grocery store and bought a large bag of cat food. Our mission was to go to the coffe shop, feed stray cats, and walk the walls of Dubrovnik. After we had taken our drinks, we walked down an alley and we're glad to find 2 cats to feed.
Feeding the cats.
I held cat food in my cup.
As we were walking along, we saw a calico cat being bullied by a big shaggy black cat. When we fed the cats, the black cat ate all of the food. We were also near a resturaunt when we found a cat under one of its tables.
Feeding the cat under the table.
On our way to the top of the wall, we found a shady garden with bowls of cat food for the stray cats. There were 4 stray cats there.
On the wall we saw many things, including a basketball court that had been twisted. Can you find the red submarine in the 1st picture?
New roof
Old roof
We walked down from the city walls and went back to cat feeding all the way back to the harbour, where we had delicious ice cream. We walked back home and ate lunch back with Daddy. Then we went swimming at the beach. After the beach, we headed back to the harbour. We caught the yellow submarine and Sam drove. While we were waiting for the submarine, we saw a pirate ship.
The submarine
We were the only people on the submarine.
We fed a cat,had dinner, and went to bed when we got offthe submarine.
w a fun day in Dubrovnik! You sure made a lot of cats happy. I’d like to go on that y ellow aubmarine I really enjoy seeing the plates of food…iT always looks delicious. me it seems to me that.y ou are going xf rom country to country sampling all the ice cream. which place has the best?
Had a nice walk up at Cate with Betty and friends this a.m., and then went out to lunch with Star Pine Betty And her friends later. There are so many people I like In this area.
It is such fun following your trip in Willie’ Blogs, which are terrific,and also with your emails and photos. Love, Mom, Granny, Anne Sent from my iPad
Did Clara and your dad sing “We all live in a Yellow Submarine” the whole time you were in the yellow submarine?