Daddy got up early to fetch us our rental car, so Sam, Clara and I walked to the nearest museum, the museum of modern art. The museum of modern art is a building that lights up at night and is shaped like a sea slug.
the slug
On the inside, it isn’t quite interesting, Infact, the escalator, witch is a ramp instead of stairs, is more interesting than the art itself. There is one part of the museum that has an overlook, and you can see the lights on the building, the river, and the city.
The museum had a cafeteria, and we had lunch there. I had ratatouille quiche. While we were eating, we saw Daddy walk by. We ran up to him and he came in. He told us the story about how he came to the rental car place and they told him his rental had been canceled. He spent his whole morning arguing with the car people until they came to a compromise that he would rent a car from another car company for 500ā¬ extra. (Note from Dad: Never, ever rent a car from Enterprise. They are the absolute worst. They literally canceled our reservation for no reason, never contacted us, and refused to do anything about it. Just an awful experience with an awful company.)
For dessert, we each had an apel strudel. Then Daddy had to go do something so we headed to the Graz Museum. The Graz museum had a race track that had cars powered by bikes. Who ever peddles faster wins! They also had a piano where if you played the keys it would trigger a cork or a nail to bang on a plate or a cup. Then, they had a giant chess set and a room of foam blocks.
Sam with the foam blocks. They also had a ball pit. Upstairs they had rooms filled with artifacts from ancient Graz. They had stones and sords. Each floor upstairs took you in to the more recent past. Sam accidentally triggered an alarm when he went to close to a pile of guns from WWI.
The pile of guns Sam got too close to.
When Sam got bored, Clara took Sam to the WWI section. I decided to go upstairs. Scince the stairs were blocked, the only way up was the elevator. When I pushed the button to go up, the doors closed, but the elevator didn’t go up. At first I thought I was trapped in an elevator, but then I realized that the elevator had been told to not go up there for the same reason the stairs were blocked. Back down on the first floor, I hid in the ball pit and started a German family when I stuck my head out of the balls. They had not seen me hiding there! We looked for the same gelato as last time, but we found another gelato shop that was the same company of the other one, but each different shop under that company had their own flavors of gelato. We did get ice cream, and we headed back to the hotel. There, we found that Mama had finished her conference, and Daddy ran off to the laundromat to wash our dirty clothes. We went down to the river with Mama.But first, we went into the clocktower church. Sam put river water in his eyes, so we got worried because it had just rained and it smelled bad while we walked. Sam wanted to play at the playground at the island restraunt, and Mama was forced to by a lemonade she didn’t want. Mama had to go to an end-of-the-conference dinner party, so Daddy took the rest of us out to dinner. We didn’t know what restraunt we would eat at, so we tried looking for the 500 year old restraunt in the quart yard that we saw from the armory. We didn’t find the restraunt, but we did find the quart yard.

We ate dinner at a pizza restraunt the pizza was delicious, large and cheap. While we were walking back, we found an alleyway that was long, dark, and narrow. Since it had just rained, mist was rising from the alleyway, making it spooky.
The alleyway
About midway through the alleyway, we saw the creepiest man in the creepiest place. He had a black cloak and he was holding a lantern that glowed faintly through the mist. As we got closer, we realized that he had a top hat and a black mustache. He kept his eyes on us as we passed him on the left. We didn’t talk about the man until we were out of the alleyway. When we got home, we told Mama all about it.