Wien is the German word for Vienna, the capital city of Austria. This is the city we were in, and it had coffee shops. This was upsetting, for I do not like when we have to stop for coffee. We drove to a coffe shop and had breakfast. In the middle of it, Daddy went off to return our rental car. That left us to walk around. We came to a plaza in between two identical buildings. One for Archeological History and one for Natural History. We came to the building with archeological history and walked strait up to the ancient Egyptian room. They had mummified animals and tall statues. They even had the real William the Hippopotomus!
A sarcophagus
A mummy
Me next to William the Hippopotomus
An interesting interesting boulder
A mummified crocodile

A granite elephant
Next we came to the Romans, then the catholic paintings.
A roman centaur
The catholic paintings
When we stepped outside of the building, Daddy was there waiting for us. Clara was free, so she left us and explored the museums of Vienna. We headed across the plaza and entered the natural history museum.
The natural history museum.
We walked up the stairs and met at where they had put a diorama of an ostrich, a casawary, and an emu. It is very satisfying seeing those fake birds in a museum having seen all 3 different types in the wild.
The casawary
The emu
The ostrich
Through out the animalia section of the museum, there were animals I had and hadn't seen.
Animals I had seen before in the wild other than the three big birds
California Condor (these live in the skys and hills around Santa Barbará) Sorry about the glare
Guinea foul
African Elephant
Black rinocerus
Common zebra+hertmans Mountain zebra
Elephant seal. These live on the islands right off of SB.
Jackass penguin
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Termite mound from Namibia
Monarches on a eucoyliptus branch, influenced by a Santa Barbará county park in Goleta, the same town in witch Mama works
Hercules beetle
Tridachna clam
Animals I haven't seen
Vampire bat
Galapogus tortoise
Gila monster(cactus in the background!)
Tarantula (hopefully I'll see them in October)
Spider crab
Vestimentiferan worm
Throughout the museum, they had extinc creatures such as dodo bird skeleton and a taxidermed Tasmanian Tiger
Tasmanian Tiger
Dodo skeleton
They had pictures and dioramas of animals dead or dying because of humans. We can be so cruel and murderous sometimes. If you love animals like me, I advise you not to look at these pictures.
Rinocerus after its horns were removed by poachers. This picture may have very well been taken inside the boundarys of Etosha National Park, in Namibia. The rino is killed by poachers so they can sell the horns to American and Chinese people who think it cures cancer. Their minds are cuckoo. Rino horns are made from the same stuff that fingernails and hair is made of.
Basket of shark fins. The Sharks are caught, their fins are cut off, and then the poor live sharks are dropped back into the ocean to suffer a painful death.
The shark is caught in a net and gets cut open on the ropes.
Impaled fish. The fish is harpooned and impaled through its flesh so it sadly perishes a terribly painful death.
Caught mollusks. These mollusks are caught in boxes and they dry out and suffocate out of the water. Imagine if your eyeballs dryed out and you couldn't breathe. Who cares if they taste good?
The museum also had a parasite section they showed a scabby dog not unlike the cats at the Dubrovnik hotel and a red blood cell with a blue thing attached to it.
The dog
The cell
Outside the museum, we walked to a sushi resturaunt with 6 live cats! The cats roamed around the resturaunt and climbed up the wooden structures the waitresses had put up for them.
As we were walking around, we saw the most beautiful cathedral I had ever seen.
We had an apel strudel and a cakeish tart while Daddy had a beer.
Daddy and his beer
We entered the cathedral and it was as beautiful on the outside as it was on the inside.
In the cathedral.
Outside of the Cathedral. Mama took us on an architectural tour of downtown Vienna. First, we saw a modern building.
The modern building.
Next, there was a tower celebrating the victims of the Black Death.
The tower
The tower had an angry baby angel on it that you wouldn't want to mess with. It was setting fire to a wrinkled old man.
The baby destroying its victim.
Lastly, there was a church.
We met up with Clara and walked to a museum, but we couldn't find the entrance, so we went to the horse drawn carriages. The carriage we took came around Vienna and back to the horse drop off. The Panama and Ecuador embassies of Austria are in the same building.
Clara's ear and the streets of Vienna by horse-drawn-carriage.
We stopped at a playground where Sam got hurt on the see-saw 3 times. The playground had a bus and Daddy thought that they guy driving it was made to drive it.
The bus and the guy. Can you see the guy?
We walked through the streets of Vienna and to a resturaunt where Daddy had another beer.
Daddy's new beer.
They also had funky chairs.
On our way out, we stopped to look at the sculpture outside the museum of modern art. It was called “The Italian,” and it was a bronze sculpture of a person with a long nose throwing up.
The sculpture
We took the subway back to our apartment.
The subway.